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《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰

第一产经网 时间:2017/2/14 16:37:44 【字号 】 【关闭

“I consider myself as a corporate Sherpa, offering my assistance to CMIG, helping it to become a leading investment institution of the world.”



《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰

《CHINA DAILY》2月13日刊出李银珩执行副主席专访版面


中国国家英文日报《CHINA DAILY》近日专访了李银珩执行副主席,请他分享了加入中民投的初衷,对布局“一带一路”战略的思考,以及他要如何帮助董文标主席实现带领中民投成为世界500强的诺言。

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《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰1

Keen to help CMIG like a Sherpa


In May 2014, 59 leading private Chinese companies formed China Minsheng Investment Group or CMIG with 50 billion yuan (billion) in registered capital. Today, CMIG boasts assets of 260 billion yuan, up over fivefold from the time of its formation.


Yet CMIG believes there are many more investment peaks to scale before it could feel contented. Assets are expected to further increase to over 1 trillion yuan in five years. CMIG’s chairman Dong Wenbiao’s dream is to see the group among the Global Fortune 500 players in seven to eight years.


Dong’s trusted lieutenant, Kevin Eunhyung Lee, CMIG’s executive vice-chairman, has taken upon himself the task of accomplishing that goal.

《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰2



“When you are trying to climb Mount Everest, there are Sherpas who help climbers by carrying their heavy luggage. I consider myself as a corporate Sherpa, offering my assistance to CMIG, helping it to become a leading investment institution of the world.”


According to Lee, the current global situation favors CMIG. To illustrate the point, Lee refers to the latest World Economic Forum in Davos, held in January. Lee attended the WEF many times in the past. But still, the latest edition was a new experience. “It’s the first time that I’ve seen so many Chinese elements. As a Chinese company, we were approached by many foreign organizations at the meeting.”


《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰3

According to Lee, participants acknowledged the increasing global leadership of Chinese companies. President Xi Jinping in his widely acclaimed keynote speech at Davos said that China aims to promote open and free trade, and warned against protectionism.


CMIG would endeavor to work to realize Xi’s vision, Lee said. His career record suggests Lee is experienced enough to drive CMIG in that direction.


In his previous job as the chief global strategy officer at Hana Financial Group, one of South Korea’s largest financial institutions, Lee supervised 128 networks in 24 countries. Dong, one of the most successful bankers in China, had urged Lee repeatedly to be part of the CMIG management team. So, Lee left the successful South Korean company to join CMIG when it didn’t even have an office.


For, he could not resist the “excitement of being in such a unique company. CMIG has a scattered equity structure with no dominating shareholders, and this cannot be found anywhere else in the world.”


《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰4

Lee believes there are three phases of globalization: globalization, localization, and “glocalization”.


CMIG’s human resources come from all backgrounds and from all over the world. More than 50 percent of CMIG’s employees are foreigners or have overseas work experience. In Lee’s words, CMIG is truly a platform for “global citizens”.


In April 2016, CMIG International, under Lee’s supervision, finalized the largest deal since its formation. The acquisition of Sirius International Insurance Group Ltd for .6 billion was a vital step as CMIG aligned itself with China’s larger goals as per the Belt and Road Initiative.


《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰5


That is part of CMIG’s core strategy. So, it is leading dozens of Chinese private enterprises into investing billions of dollars in countries like Indonesia and Cambodia, to promote local prosperity. It also actively carries out exchange programs between China and these countries.


Also, CMIG and it global unit CMIG International will endeavor to help Sirius to expand into the Asian market and further build up its strength. CMIG has retained every single employee at Sirius. “It’s a win-win,” said Lee.


“Historically, the Silk Road is a two-way trade route connecting Asia, Africa and Europe,” said Lee. “Today, the Belt and Road Initiative is not only about capital investment, but a two-way development channel for countries along the line. That is the real spirit of Silk Road.”


“In the future, we will continue to carry out the ‘going global’ strategy, concentrating on nations alongside the Belt and Road. Meanwhile, we will also actively promote ‘bringing in’.” Lee said CMIG is confident in realizing these big goals with its “3+3” strategy involving strategic development through three financial groups and three industrial forays.


《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”助中民投勇攀高峰6


The three financial groups are: a global insurance group in Singapore, a financial leasing group in Hong Kong, and an asset management group in London, Beijing and East China. The three industrial forays are: homebased elderly care, new energy sector and standardized housing on an industrial scale.


“We’ve selected these sectors because they are technology intensive, in line with the national strategy, and bear huge growth potential. More importantly, they can help enhance the livelihood of ordinary people,” said Lee. “After all, people’s livelihood (Minsheng) is in our name.”


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·《CHINA DAILY》专访李银珩执行副主席:“夏尔巴人”