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GLB首场法理论证会华尔街Global Player行政总部举行

第一产经网 时间:2016/12/21 13:29:04 【字号 】 【关闭

GP Hosted the First GLB Demonstration of Jurisprudence in Wall Street


  The publish of Global Bean has become one of the hottest topics in the financial world at the end of 2016. Obviously, GLB is a brand new thing to both the financial and legal circles which is issuing a convertible bill via block chain and use it in the global entertainment industry. No matter in the technology or application fields, there’re endless valuable extensions to be discovered.

  Global Bean的问世,已经成为2016年底全球金融界最热门的话题之一。但对于金融界、法律界来说,GLB无疑是一个全新的事物:用区块链技术来发行一个可以流转的票据,并且使之广泛用于全球娱乐行业,无论在技术领域还是应用领域,都有着无穷的可供探索的价值延伸。

  Many professionals in financial, legal and technology field had gathered together in GP’s administrative headquarter located in the One World Trade Center, New York on Dec.15th to demonstrate the legal suitability of GLB and discuss the possible supervisions that each country might bring out for GLB in the next decade.



  The source said GP only focused on the acquisition and reorganization in the entertainment industry in the past and had never put any energy on the integration of upstream customer. The reason why GP issue the GLB is to provide a considerable service to the upstream customers and bring stable traffic and cash flow to its own entertainment venues.



  GP released this big news in NASDAQ during the meeting day and also said it will host some additional demonstrations in several other major economies to improve the application environment of GLB.


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·GLB首场法理论证会华尔街Global Player行政总部