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第一产经网 时间:2016/12/9 11:30:59 【字号 】 【关闭

LDBB: the Top Creation in the Financial Crisis -- GLB Convertible Bond


  The City of London will set up the “Global Convertible Bond Bourse” -- “LDBB” for short recently and is estimated to open in Apr. 2017 which is the world’s first secondary trading market of bonds based on block chain technology.


  The LDBB executives said it has been a major concern for the global financial world to address the crisis of debt default which continuing to happen everyday all around the world.


  LDBB will provide the creditors the converting method and matchmaking tradeoff platform by taking the “global bond converting” as the core business and disclose all the converting information via block chain.


  The executives also mentioned the release of GLB had offered a possible solution to this historical problem and made people be able to solve many other problems left over by history with this top design as well.


(编辑:大鹏 来源:中国财经时报网)本文章来自网友投递或资讯集录,如果侵犯你的权益,请发邮件:495600785@qq.com告知小编,将尽快做出处理。