1月23日,中国民生投资集团(以下简称“中民投”)携手新浪网,在瑞士举办了2018年新浪中民投达沃斯领袖峰会。中民投全球专家委员会委员、2015年诺贝尔经济学奖得主安格斯•迪顿进行了主旨演讲,谈新时代下中国的幸福经济。中民未来董事长王晖、百度总裁张亚勤、清华大学国家金融研究所副所长朱宁、毕马威亚太区及中国主席陶匡淳在峰会上发表了对中国新机遇的判断。 中国居民幸福感在逐步增加 对于目前的全球发展趋势,迪顿认为中国支持全球化发展是非常正确、明智的,包括从倡导“一带一路”到支持非洲等不同国家的发展。过去10年,中国经济高速增长,居民的幸福感也在逐步增加。他同时引用最新的盖洛普数据显示,中国的领导力相比美国,更受世界欢迎,这是一个很大的变化。 谈及2018年中国经济和世界经济的总体动向,张亚勤和朱宁认为将以乐观态势为主,但存在风险性。稳中求进为主要基调,尤其是高科技、服务业、高端制造、金融行业有很多发展前景,但资产泡沫等风险仍然不容忽视。 陶匡淳表示坚信中国正在进行的改革开放会继续惠及全球,中外企业将受益于中国的转型及与世界经济融合,不断获得更多的商机。中民未来董事长王晖则表示,在此环境下企业应该抓住革新、协同、务实三个方向,在跨行业竞合格局中务实经营、求新求变。 而科技将在新一轮产业发展中成为驱动力,张亚勤表示,与过去三十年把物理世界互联网化不同的是,未来三十年互联网的技术将融合渗透到物理世界。比如人工智能,可以说是继蒸汽机、电、信息化之后的第四次工业革命,但人工智能不是一个孤立的技术,未来会应用到自动驾驶、医疗、教育等多个领域。 王晖指出,社区是民生需求最为集中、也最为多样化的地方,将人工智能和大数据技术用于社区资源整合,推动社区消费升级和居家养老领域布局。
幸福经济成未来新风口 因在消费、贫穷与福利方面研究的重要贡献,安格斯•迪顿获2015年诺贝尔经济学奖。随着中国人对“美好生活”的追求和老龄化社会压力的日益增长,迪顿与他的“幸福经济学”研究对于中国又有怎样的借鉴意义呢? 中国目前超过60岁的老年人口已经超过2.2亿,正快速步入老龄社会。迪顿认为,经历过人口过渡的所有国家都会出现生育率下降,老少比提高。在人口过渡中,生活与医疗保健安排必须相应做出改变。 有悲观的观点认为人口过渡是老年人的灾难——老年人是没有生产力、孤立的,且往往储蓄不足。但迪顿认为,在中国,子女的平均收入普遍高于父母,老年人也通常有一定积蓄。经济增长非常迅速,孩子比父母的生活好得多,甚至在独立生活的时候,也能够经济上支持父母或祖父母。他们可以帮助支付住房,住宿和医疗保健。这也是中民投做得很好的一个领域,扩大了老年人的家庭护理网络,并为孩子们提供了父母和祖父母快乐独立生活的市场机会。 王晖在峰会上,给出了切入中国养老的商业模式——社区。“社区作为大多数普通人一天之中驻留时间最长、和日常生活结合最为紧密的场景,是承载消费升级的主要平台之一。同时,社区消费升级的推进和社区商业的创新与完善,能够最为直接地改善居民生活幸福感。” 作为中民投旗下在社区消费升级及居家养老领域布局的重要平台,中民未来是中国规模最大的社区管理和服务企业。其中,居家养老产业是中民未来旗下重要的业务板块。目前,中民未来已经在中国全国范围内布局了三级城市养老服务网络,搭建了线上养老服务平台——中民养老智能云平台,并组建了中民养老产业联盟,持续通过产业与资本的合作,助推中国居家养老产业的创新与发展。 关于中民投 中国民生投资集团(简称“中民投”)是中国领先的全球化大型投资集团。基于负责任投资的理念,我们前瞻性地布局与社会大众和民生紧密相关的新兴产业,积极促进产业升级和经济转型,致力于成为受人尊敬、值得信赖、国际领先的投资集团。 凭借人才、专业经验及资本等优势,我们积极在国内与“一带一路”沿线国家和地区耕耘开拓,构筑全球化的产业平台、资本平台和人文交流平台,引领民营资本投资,助推中国经济转型升级。 经国务院批准,中民投由全国工商联发起,59家行业领先企业联合设立,于2014年在上海成立,注册资本500亿元。 CMIG &; Sina Hold Business Leaders Summit in Davos Nobel Laureate Talks about China’s Happiness Economy On Jan。 23rd, China Minsheng Investment Group (CMIG), together with Sina, a leading online media company serving China and the global Chinese communities, held the 2018 Business Leaders Summit in Davos, Switzerland。 Sir Angus Stewart Deaton, the Senior advisor of CMIG and the Nobel Laureate in economics in 2015, delivered a keynote speech on the Chinese economy from the perspective of Happiness Economics。 Deaton pointed out that in the past 10 years, China's economy has been growing at a high speed, and residents' happiness has gradually increased。 Meanwhile, the latest Gallup data shows that China’s leadership is preferred to America’s leadership by much of the world。 He also noted that China's current elderly population is rapidly growing and the living and healthcare arrangements must be paid attention to。 ‘In China, children earn much more than their parents did, on average, and many elders have substantial savings。’ Deaton said, Economic growth has been very rapid, so that children are much better off than their parents, and can afford to support their parents or grandparents financially, even when they live independently。 They can help pay for housing, accommodation, and for health care。 ‘This is an area where CMIG is doing good work, expanding the network of in-home care for the elderly, and providing the market opportunity for children to finance the happy, and independent living of their parents and grandparents。’ Deaton claimed。 Wang Hui, Chairman of CMIG Futurelife, gave her solution at the summit for Chinese commercial elderly care—communities。 ‘Communities, as the environment where most people spend the longest time and which relates most closely to people’s daily life, constitute a major platform for consumption upgrades。 Meanwhile, consumption upgrades and commercial innovation and improvement in communities can most directly improve the well-being of their members。’ CMIG Futurelife, a crucial platform of CMIG in upgrading deployment of community-based consumption and in-home aged care, is the largest enterprise in China engaging in community management and services。 So far, CMIG Futurelife has already established a nationwide three-tier urban aged care network, an online aged care services platform, and an industrial alliance in the aged care business; through constant industrial and capital cooperation, it is fueling innovation and development in the Chinese home-based aged care industry。 Entrepreneurs and scholars including Zhang Yaqin, president of Baidu, Zhu Ning, deputy director of the National Institute of Financial Research Tsinghua University, and Honson To, chairman of KPMG Asia Pacific region and China, etc。 were present at the summit。
About CMIG China Minsheng Investment Group (CMIG) is a leading global investment group in China。 Committed to responsible investment, CMIG focuses on emerging sectors closely tied to people’s livelihoods and actively promotes industrial upgrading and economic transformation。 These principles help to guide our long-term strategy and establish CMIG as a respected, trustworthy investment group and a global leader in the field。 By leveraging our advantages in talent, professional experience and capital, we have developed a strong presence in China and countries participating in the‘Belt and Road’initiative。 CMIG, through global industrial, capital and cultural exchange platforms, is both spurring sustainable investment and helping transform China’s economy。 CMIG was founded by 59 leading private companies in 2014 with registered capital of 50 billion yuan。 (编辑:大鹏 来源:慧聪网)本文章来自网友投递或资讯集录,如果侵犯你的权益,请发邮件:495600785@qq.com告知小编,将尽快做出处理。 |